Depression : Anxiety : Trauma : Insomnia Amethyst: Calms you, Relaxes a overactive mind, provide peace, helps with emotional balance Smokey Quartz: groun…
Crystals for Job Seeking, Good Luck, Abundance and Prosperity Citrine The "health, wealth and happiness stone that attracts abundance Tourmalinated Quar…
Safe Travels and Driving Pack Rose Quartz Dispels negative energy and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes Amethyst I…
Tourette Syndrome Rose Quartz Stimulates feelings of Self Love Aquamarine Supports Emotional Healing Clear Quartz Enhances the energy of other Crysta…
Arthritis pain / inflammation Flourite an excellent crystal to start with when treating your arthritis. Fluorite invites positivity, calm, and focus to…
Crystals for Kids Smoky Quartz Protects from nightmares and irrational fears Aquamarine For courage and protection Carnelian To stimulate brain devel…
Colds and Flu Flourite Excellent for the common cold and flu virus. Moss Agate Good for sinus, congestion, mucus conditions, swelling of lymph node…