Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamond picture

Herkimer Diamond:
1) Herkimer crystal is a supreme remedy for fighting pain. Placed on the afflicted area, the energetic current begins to circulate in as little as three to four minutes, reducing the pain until it disappears.
2) Herkimer Diamond is a powerful purifier, ridding the body of toxins, and has been used to correct imbalances in RNA/DNA, cellular disorders, and metabolic rate. [Melody, 320][Hall, 143] It is helpful in preventing physical exhaustion and burnout, and stimulates immune defenses. 
3) Herkimer alleviates tension in the outer and physical bodies, and helps to re-align the energy structure. It also releases tensions and rigidness of body tissues, allowing for memory recall in these areas to help facilitate healing. 
4) Herkimer is also supportive of the eyes and is useful in eyesight correction or healing. 

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