
Aquamarine picture

1)   Healing qualities are associated with respiratory organs - throat, breathing, lungs and sinuses
2)   Will alleviate fever and cold, help with bronchitis, heal lungs and a sort throat
3)   Balances hormones and skin inflammation aiding in skin problems like psoriasis, eczema and inflammation
4)   Supports immune system, aids in autoimmune disease, allergy, body rejuvenation, lowering fluid retention
5)   Aid with teeth problems, sore throat, lungs, thyroid, sinus, colds
6)   Balance hormone production, growth, thyroid and pituitary gland
7)   Calms nerves, soothing effect, fear and anger
8)   Helps with tension and stress relief, inner truth and rationality
9)   Helps with compassion and panic attacks
10) Help you uncover deeper truth, especially problems what caused trauma
11) The stone will keep you away from abusive people and will help you reveal the truth hidden behind them
12) Metaphysical properties include manifesting and healing abilities, compassion, communication and inner peace
13)   Assist in meditation, connecting with spirits, self empowerment, wisdom and truth
14) Improves the mood, purification, tranquility and courage

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