About us

What is Reiki? 

Reiki in simple terms explained - Reiki is energy healing.  Every living thing consist of energy and through energy we are all connected, whether it be human, animal, plants, insects....etc

Firstly the human vessel consist of 4 separate bodies - the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual body.  Often what we don't understand, that our mental and emotional problems/trauma can often result in physical ailments and pains as your emotions attack the body physically.  Once you start working on healing the emotional body, as well as creating an environment for the physical body to heal (such as diet and exercise changes), you will experience healing within the physical body.  

Further more, the body consist of 7 main energy centers and when these energy centers are out of balance, certain illness or imbalances within the body occurs.  These energy centers consist of and we refer to them as Chakras:

  1. The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine. It provides you with a base or foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability.


  2. The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located just below your belly button. This chakra is responsible for your sexual and creative energy. It’s also linked to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others.


  3. The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is located in your stomach area. It’s responsible for confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping you feel in control of your life.


  4. The heart chakra, or Anahata, is located near your heart, in the center of your chest. It comes as no surprise that the heart chakra is all about our ability to love and show compassion.


  5. The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is located in your throat. This chakra has to do with our ability to communicate verbally.


  6. The third eye chakra, or Ajna, is located between your eyes. You can thank this chakra for a strong gut instinct. That’s because the third eye is responsible for intuition. It’s also linked to imagination.


  7. The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of your head. Your Sahasrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique brought from Japan to the West in 1937 and has been practiced with great success since. Reiki is the art of “laying on of hands” in order to heal. Reiki is not a religion but is rather a set of techniques based on the ancient Tibetan healing methodologies that allows one to tap into the limitless source of this life force energy to heal.

The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”.

Reiki is the life force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance and then illness.


As Mother Theresa said...

“There is a light in this world. A healing spirit much stronger than any darkness we may encounter. We sometimes lose sight of this force. Where there is suffering and too much pain. And suddenly the spirit will emerge through lives of ordinary people, and answer in extraordinary ways. God speaks to the silence of the heart and we listen….”


What to expect from a Reiki Session?

A session is usually 90 to 120 minutes long. A discussion/assessment will usually take place during an initial session with a Reiki Practitioner.  After gathering medical history, they will describe the session to the client, give the client an opportunity to discuss any particular problems or issues they are experiencing and ask them what they are hoping to achieve from their session.

For the actual session, the client will rest comfortably on a massage table on their back with their shoes removed. Reiki can be performed with the client sitting comfortably in a chair as well. Unlike massage therapy, no articles of clothing are removed and a client is always fully clothed; loose, comfortable clothing is suggested. A session can either be hands-on, where a Practitioner will apply a light touch during the session, or hands-off where they will hold their hands slightly above your body. If a client prefers not to be touched they can indicate this to the practitioner before they begin.

The session will then proceed with the Reiki Practitioner moving through specific standard Reiki hand positions beginning at the person’s head or feet. A recipient of Reiki might feel a warming sensation or a tingling during the session or nothing at all but sheer relaxation. The session should be very pleasant, relaxing and invigorating.

I am also incorporating crystals in some treatments.

Crystal healing is the ability of crystals to help heal or at least ameliorate both physical and non-physical ailments. Crystal healers believe this works because most crystals have their origins from deep within the earth, and as they rise up to the surface they bring its powerful healing energies with them.  Each Crystal vibrates at it's own frequency, which matches the frequency of each body part, to bring healing and balance.

Reiki energy amplifies the healing abilities in crystals therefore incorporating healing crystals in a treatment, the power of the crystals is strengthening through Reiki amplifying the strength of the treatment.


Benefits of Reiki:

  • Stimulates and promotes your body’s natural healing abilities
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Release toxins in the body
  • Relieves pain, anxiety, stress, fatigue, post-operation issues etc
  • Treats depression and trauma
  • Improves sleep
  • Provides comfort in time of grief and bereavement
  • Clears the mind
  • Experience peace, relaxation and well-being
  • Balance the body’s energies

Below I will list a few things that might happen when your chakras are out of balance, blocked or when they are over stimulated:

Root Chakra: 

* Overly fearful about security and survival

* Ungrounded

* Flighty

* Generally Fearful

* Feeling of not Belonging Anywhere

* Poor Health


* Lacking dreams and imagination

* Habitual

* Tied Down

* Difficulty Letting Go

* Overly Practical

Sacral Chakra:

* Emotionally Cold

* Difficulty Changing

* Difficulty Experiencing Joy

* Holds Back


* Overly Sexual

* Overly Focused on Physical Pleasure

* Guilt

* Hyper-emotional

Solar Plexus Chakra:

* Lack of Confidence

* Difficulty Manifesting Desires

* Lack of Self-Esteem


* Dominance

* Over-Reliance on Will

* Shame

* Misuse of Power

Heart Chakra:

* Loneliness

* Lack of Emotional Fulfillment

* Difficulty Accepting or Giving Love

* Lack of Compassion


* Loving too Much

* Unhealthy Relationships

* Love Manifesting at a Low Vibration


* Lack of Sense of Connection to the Divine or to Nature

* Unresolved Sorrow

Throat Chakra:

* Inability to Communicate Ideas

* Problems with Self-Expression (Expression of Own Truth)

* Problems with Creativity


* Uncontrolled

* Low-Value

* Inconsistent Communication

* Manipulative

* Deceptive of Self or Others

Third Eye Chakra:

* Lack of Imagination

* Lack of Vision

* Lack of Concentration

* Blocked or Clouded Intuition

* Can't See the "Big Picture"


* Distorted Vision

* Delusional

* Distorted Imagination

* Misuse of Intuition


* Overly Reliant on Logic and Intellect

Crown Chakra:

* Ungrounded

* Impractical

* Indecisive

* Difficulty with Finishing Things

* No Common Sense

* Depressed

* Alienated

* Confused


* Cut Off from Spirituality

* Plagued by Sense of Meaninglessness




Reiki for domestic pets and all other animals:

Treatments are also available for domestic pets and all other animals. Reiki for animals works about the same as it does for people! If you have a pet, Reiki healing can work just as well on your dog or cat, as it does on you! Like humans, animals do respond positively to the energy transference that takes place in a Reiki session.

Animal Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive method of energy healing that supports your pets overall health and well-being. This healing process is a complimentary therapy that works well in conjunction with veterinary and other holistic animal therapies.

Reiki for animals provides a total body healing system that supports your pet’s health on all levels ~ body, mind and spirit.


If your pet is suffering with chronic pain or disease, Reiki helps to reduce pain, support the body’s natural healing process and, at end of life, aids your pet’s through the transition. Additionally, Reiki helps address your pet’s behavioral issues and challenges. Animals are highly sensitive and respond well to Reiki treatments. Regular sessions provide maximum benefit for your pets total health and well-being.

Reiki for pets available in domestic pets, farm animals eg cows, sheep, chickens, horses, wild animals, fish, etc.




Our team



Reiki Master & Teacher, Trauma Counsellor, Herbalist, Crystal Healing, Spiritual Coach, Shop Owner

Hi Everyone!

I love helping people and I love helping animals - Reiki gives me the opportunity to do both to the very best of my ability.  I offer a safe, peaceful and loving space where you may share all your problems, your pain, your hurt, your trauma, (or what ever weighs you down!)  with me and I will do my very best to help you and guide you to a better, healthier, new you.  

A healer does not heal you.  A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself - Maryam Hasnaa

The human body is the most beautiful thing that was ever created.  It has the amazing ability to heal itself - GIVEN the tools you provide.

The Human Body consist of 4 separate bodies - the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual - Reiki brings healing to all four bodies at once - there where healing is needed, there Reiki gently moves in and help you heal....

I do not heal - I am but a conduit between you and the Great Divine.   I am the wall plug that provides energy between the Great Energy Source and you, the utensil needing healing energy.  

I offer the following services:
* Reiki Healing Therapy - Master Level
* Reiki and Self Development Courses
* Holistic and Natural Healing Solutions
* Crystal Healing Therapy
* Trauma and Emotional Healing/Counselling
* Spiritual and Alignment Coach
* Herbalist

I also offer herbal healing and products:
* Herbs 
* Herbal Tinctures
* Herb Infused Oils
* Natural / Organic Herbal Skin and Face Products
* Natural / Organic Glycerine Herbal Soaps and Bath Salts
* Herbal Teas
* Crystals and Gemstones
* Crystal and Gemstone Jewelry
* Crystal and Gemstone Products
* Esoteric Shop and Handmade Goods

Call me today, Lets do this!

Namaste my dear friend!
Love and Light



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